This page offers you a large collection of anime wallpapers and several small goodies. Special attention is dedicated to Ayumi Hamasaki and the Di Gi Charat Japanese animation.

Please choose a mirror. If you have JavaScript and redirecting enabled, it will be done automatically.
  • - Always up-to-date, but very slow.
  • - A bit older, but fast. Lacks some features.

  • You can always link back using the old link including paths. If the server is online, you will be taken there. If not, the script will redirect you to the mirror.

    CZ: Vážení návštěvníci! Oba servery by měly běžet trvale, případné výpadky jsou obvykle opraveny do hodiny. Zahlcení sítě bohužel nelze vždy uspokojivě vyřešit, zkuste navštívit stránku mimo špičku, která bývá večer. </body></html>